Monday, December 12, 2011

How do I deal with loving my best friend?

okay, here goes...I have a best friend whom I am starting to feel attracted to. He has acted interested in the past but nothing has ever happened because I was too scared to take the chance of losing our frindship. Now he likes this new girl and its breaking my heart. Everything he says he likes about her is all the same things he has stated that I represent too. He tells me shes pretty in the same words he has said I am pretty, her personality is the same as mine, etc. I feel so sad that he wants someone like me but NOT ME. I know I should just take the chance because maybe hes afraid too...but the other nite he said she gives him butterflies and he hasnt felt that in a LONG apparently he doesnt think of me in that way. I am so confused and I dont want my hurt feelings to lead to me pushing him away...but I fear that will happen because I love him and he says he loves me...but its almost like Im not good enough in his eyes...How do I deal with loving my best friend?
I sorta had this same problem except my friend would have left whoever he was with to be with me. In your case I would just keep on being his best friend and wait till this girl messes up. After that's died down start perusing. The only reason why he never got butterflies with you was because you two weren't in a romantic relationship. Friends make the best lovers.How do I deal with loving my best friend?
TELL HIM HOW YOU FEEL! he is probably just trying to replace you with her. he probably cant handle the feelings he has for you because you are his best friend. men dont want to ruin relationships like that. you need to assure him that nothing much in the relationship will change if you two were to get together.
sounds tricky - what you have to ask yourself is - do you love this guy enough to risk your friendship? If so - go for it - life is too short to have that regret. If not - then go for it anyway.
Colleen tell him how you feel. You have to take the chance he is not married yet and it is better to tell him now than lose him later. I just lost my best friend that I had fallen in love with because he liked me and I was scared so by the time I found him again it was too late he was married and it broke my heart. Talk to your friend today.
Run I repeat RUN! Don't ruin your life on this loser. He is what is called a PLAYER he enjoys your hurt feelings. This makes him a bum in this old mans eyes
I don't think it has anything to do with being good enough for him so don't start to think like that. It is rather tricky. You can tell him that you have feelings for him and ten push him away or you can keep it to yourself and still push him away. I think you should let him know because it will make you feel better cause at least you let him know the truth. At least you would have tried.
you can ask him if he wont the same thing

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wow!! this is a very tough one.. I can some what agree with what you're feeling but sometimes you need to take a chance to see if things will happen. If you never try for it, you'll always keep asking yourself ';what if?'; It seems he is interested in you and you have known him for a quiet a long time. That's a good things that the two of you know alot of about eachother. I think you should talk to him and tell him how you feel.
dont get so down on yourself! if you love him let him know before anythings too late. never bottle up your emotions, or push him away because of them. if you love him, and if you want to be with him, he has to know.

you need to overcome whatever fear of rejection you may have from him, and just be honest.

good luck hun!
Maybe you waited too long that he used to feel butterflies around you but you let him get comfortable so he is going to settle for someone like you but not you. i say just go for it it wont necessarily ruin your friendship
what a shattering one.. you just need to be true to your will all fall into place if you be true to your heart

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