Idk what to do I loved once and got cheated on and I'm afraid to love again. I really like this guy at my college tho and I'm not sure if I can trust again. I've had trust issues because of my previous relationship as you can see. I'm not sure what to do anymore. I'm afraid of getting hurt a lot since my ex cheated on me many times. I'm sorry if this sounds stupid, but I honestly don't know what to do! Please help.How to deal with loving again?
Hi Mandy, I don't mean to be harsh, and I certainly don't know all the details, but if your ex cheated on you ';many times';, then that was your fault. Why would you stay with someone after he cheated on you once?
The best advice I can give you is not to make the new guy pay for the sins of the old. That's not fair to him, and it won't make for a healthy, happy relationship.
I know it sucks to feel betrayed, but you have to tell yourself that not all guys are like that. With both of the guys I've seriously dated (including my current BF), I made them make me a promise. We promised each other that if we ever developed an attraction to someone else that we would end the relationship with each other before moving on to the other person. After you've reached a comfort level with the new guy (dating exclusively), you might want to have a conversation similar to that with him. He should understand where you're coming from.
You will learn to trust again. It will take time and the right guy to show you they're not all the same, but you will figure out how to do it again. If your new guy is the right guy, he'll work with you until you get to that point. Best of luck to you!How to deal with loving again?
You need to give yourself a chance to be with someone again, but this time be more cautious and don't let anyone bring you down.
I say don't block the next guy's chance.You might just find that right one when you least expect it. You've been hurt before so you know how it feels.You are in control of your heart, not anybody else. It can only feel what you want it to feel. You just need to be more cautious about your decision. But don't chain up your heart when someone just might have the right key for you
the guy tha tyou want to be in a relationship with. tell him%26amp; be straight up of what had happen frm ur last ec. what he did and how many times he has hurt you and stuff. that your scaredd. that you want to forget all bout that and start something new somethign fresh. have trust .becuase if theres no trust then theres no love bbygirl. and be more careful. member once a cheater always a cheater. dpends on how he iss.
Hey honey.. Love isnt child's play.. It should come from heart, its feelings, its romance, its expressions, its just love... Try to think why are you impressed with him.. If its just attraction cut the thought of loving him... If its true love, then by default listen to your heart rather than your mind, your previous experiences etc etc... By the way i m also confused like you, but i mine is quite opposite...LISTEN TO YOUR HEART. Take care:-)
First off, if you have trust issues and they keep you from dating someone exclusively, what's so wrong with just dating around casually? Then you can get to know other guys, see what other guys are like and you will learn the types of guys who seem honest and who seem like players. You're young, you're still in college, you should be dedicating your time to studying and getting thru college instead of settling down with a guy. Go out and have fun with your girlfriends, meet different guys, go out on dates with the ones that you like, see where things take you.
If you want an exclusive monogamous relationship, then you're just going to have to take it slow. Trust isn't something that just happens, you have to build it. It's a process. You may want to let this guy know that you've been hurt before, maybe even tell him specifically what this other guy did to you.
To be honest, Everyone has been hurt. Obviously some people more than others and obviously some people get over things better than others. Only time will make you feel better, but give this new guy the benefit of the doubt and give him a chance.
your going to get hurt many more times trust its life but maybe in life this guy my not hurt you but you have to try it first
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